ICERI 2020

The 8th International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI) 2020


“Freedom to Learn”


The ICERI 2020 theme is different from the previous ICERI, which generally emphasizes on research results. ICERI 2020 provides an opportunity for participants to express opinions, in addition to the results of research. Other ideas can also be conveyed. Why? Because ICERI 2020 discusses FREEDOM TO LEARN - FREEDOM CAMPUS which is a new concept presented by Minister of Education Nadiem Makarim.

In addition to being presented face-to-face, ICERI 2020 might possible to be conducted virtually when the condition of the pandemic Covid-19 does not allow for seminars to be held as usual. Contribution of ideas and research results can be delivered in ICERI 2020 so that participants get: enlightenment, triggers of fresh ideas that can be applied, and other alternatives in order to make the implementation of Freedom to Learn - Freedom Campus can run smoothly.

In the 21st century the world of education is faced with the challenges of the megatrend of 2045. Therefore, it cannot be denied that all countries try to move dynamically in order to meet the demands of increasingly complex and unpredictable needs and changing. Consequently, Indonesia as part of this dynamic world must strive to adapt quickly to be able to balance the development of the global world by caring for several key aspects, such as world demographics, global urbanization, geopolitical changes, climate change, changes in natural resources. On the other hand, when life is also moving fast, there will also be geo-economic changes that affect international trade, global finance, and the middle-income class.

In the above context, artificial intelligence emerges which enables the convergence of the digital and physical world, including the Internet of Things, Big Data, individual dynamics, and various services. The impact of this digital
transformation (Survey Report of Deep Shift will Transform Global Society, November 2015, WEF Global Council of the Future of Software and Society agenda) affects three main things: a) work and type of work: work that is
replaced by robots and smart machines that able to work faster than similar devices in the past; the need to learn something new and sustainable; b)updating information and data; skills as basic capital: creative and crossdisciplinary talent; new skills: artificial intelligence, data analysis and 3D printing; new manufacturing and massive adjustments (versus mass production); c) strengthening individual skills: people are generally able and capable of accessing digital networks to master knowledge, be able to communicate with others, and be able to do business.

To prepare staff with the skills mentioned above, the Ministry of Education and Culture conducted a change in spirit of the curriculum with Freedom to Learn - Freedom Campus, which includes primary, secondary, higher education (university and vocational), and community education so that graduates have freedom of study. Independence of learning allows learners at any level to express their dreams and make them come true according to the demands of the times, superior, and resilient.

In higher education, learning is carried out based on study program expertise curriculum, which is varied with student exchange programs, internships/work practices, teaching assistance in education units, research, humanitarian projects, entrepreneurial activities, independent projects, or building villages/thematic real work lectures. In addition, it is also about quality assurance, assessment principles, aspects of assessment, and assessment procedures. Other aspects can also be discussed.

The meeting of researchers with various backgrounds in the scientific forums becomes important to respond to the challenge of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation
(8th ICERI), which a forum which gathers ideas and innovations, especially in educational researches, tries to accomodate this. The eight upcoming ICERI is held on November 4 - 5, 2020 with the umbrella theme of “Freedom to Learn”. The theme is raised to contribute ideas based on opinion and research findings in overcoming the problems of human resources who are still unprepared to face the Industrial Revolution 4.0, in terms of competencies.

The eighth ICERI is aimed at spreading the ideas, experience, and findings of the researches conducted by lecturers, teachers, and researchers to improve the quality of research in determining and developing knowledge.


Sub Themes:

  1. Basic Education Policy & Implementation
  2. Higher Education Policy & Implementation
  3. Vocational Education Policy & Implementation
  4. Literacy Education: Policy & Implementation
  5. Creativity and Innovation in Freedom to Learn Context
  6. Community Development: Entrepreneurship and Self-study Practices
  7. Other related issues






Time & Venue

Date :

November 4-5, 2020
08.00 am – 05.00 pm



Zoom Meeting (The link will be shared one day before the conference to your email)

Important Dates

  • 30 September, 2020 15 October, 2020 - Full Paper Submission Deadline
  • 15 October, 2020 25 October, 2020- Full Paper Acceptance Notification
  • 1 November, 2020 10 November, 2020 - Revised Paper Submission Deadline
  • 20 October, 2020  1 November, 2020 - Registration Deadline
  • 1 November, 2020 10 November, 2020  - Payment Deadline





Registration fee

  Host/Co-Host Non Host/Co-Host
Domestic International Domestic International
Non-Student Rp 400.000,- IDR 500.000,- Rp 500.000,- IDR 600.000,-
Student Rp 200.000,- IDR 350.000,- Rp 350.000,- IDR 400.000,-
  Rp 150.000,- IDR 200.000,- Rp 200.000,- IDR 250.000,-


Terms and conditions

  1. The registration fee covers seminar materials and e-certificate.
  2. The registration fee covers one presenter/participant only. The registration fee for the second, third and so on author is 50% of the main author registration fee.
  3. Participants are responsible for transfer fees and bank charges. Please send the copy of the receipt to
  4. At least one author for each accepted paper must register.
  5. The authors for selected and presented papers will be charged additional fee for publication and review process.
  6. The authors of the selected and presented papers should fill in the commitment form for publication in a conference proceeding in the following link:
  7. The publication fee depands on the fee required by the journals.


The 8th ICERI provides three options of publications.

Option 1: Publication in a journal indexed by Scopus

  • It applies only to selected papers presented at the conference.
  • The selection is done by the 8th ICERI Reviewer’s team.
  • The authors need to follow the journal template and guideline.
  • The waiting period entirely depends on the policy of the journal.
  • The organizing committee will forward your paper manuscript to the journal and leaves the decision completely to the editor(s) of the respective journal, whether to directly accept, request a revision, or reject your paper submission.
  • Any publication fee is fully charged to the author(s).

 Option 2: Publication in a journal indexed Sinta 1 & 2

  • It applies only to selected papers presented at the conference.
  • The selection is done by the 8th ICERI Reviewer’s team.
  • The authors need to follow the journal template and guideline.
  • The waiting period entirely depends on the policy of the journal.
  • The organizing committee will forward your paper manuscript to the journal and leaves the decision completely to the editor(s) of the respective journal, whether to directly accept, request a revision, or reject your paper submission.
  • Any publication fee is fully charged to the author(s).

Option 3:  Publication in ISSN Conference Proceedings

  • It applies to all papers presented at the conference.
  • The author(s) need to follow the paper template.
  • Publishing is within a couple of months after the conference.
  • Publication fee is fully charged to the author(s)




Payments are only available by Bank Transfer to the following account (transfer fee must be paid the sender):

Account Name RINI ASTUTI
Account Number 137-00-1777968-3

Check/bank draft is payable to Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.  As soon as payment is made, please mail the copy of the receipt to




Steering Committee :

  1. Prof. Dr. Margana, M.Hum, M.A.
  2. Prof. Dr. Edi Purwanto, M.Pd.
  3. Dr. rer. nat. Senam
  4. Prof. Dr. Siswantoyo, M.Kes., AIFO.
  5. Prof. Dr. Suyanta, M.Si.

Conference Chair :

Pangesti Wiedarti, M.Appl.Ling., Ph.D

Scientific Committee :

  1. Associate Professor Dr. Vijay Kumar Mallan (University of Otago, New Zealand)
  2. Stefanie A. Lindquist, JD, Ph.D.  (Arizona State University, the US)
  3. Dr. Norwaliza Abdul Wahab (Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia)
  4. Associate Professor Minako Sakai, Ph.D (University of New South Wales, Australia)
  5. Prof. Suyanto, Ph.D. (Indonesia)
  6. Prof. Dr. Sudji Munadi, M.Pd. (Indonesia)
  7. Prof. Dr. Sriatun (Indonesia)
  8. Prof. Dr. Siti Irene AD (Indonesia)
  9. Prof. Dr. Nahiyah Jaidi, M.Pd. (Indonesia)
  10. Retna Hidayah, Ph.D. (Indonesia)
  11. Dr. phill. Mashoedah, M.T. (Indonesia)
  12. Dr. Eng. Didik Nurhadiyanto, M.T. (Indonesia)
  13. Endah Retnowati, Ph.D. (Indonesia)
  14. Prof. Dr. Sri Handayani (Indonesia)

Proceding editor :

  1. Dr. Apri Nuryanto
  2. Soni Nopemberi, Ph.D.
  3. Dr. Iis Prasetyo, M.Pd.
  4. Dr. Tien Aminatun
  5. Dr. Antuni Wiyarsi
  6. Dr. Marzuki, M.Ag. 
  7. Surono, M.Pd.

Organizing Committee :

  1. Nunik Sugesti, M.Hum.
  2. Dr. Samsuri, M.Pd.
  3. Dr. Kuswarsantyo, M.Pd.
  4. Dr. Miftahuddin, M.Hum.
  5. Martutik, S.IP.
  6. Herri Purwanto, M.Pd.
  7. Ganda Sukmara, S.Pd.
  8. Rini Astuti, S.IP.
  9. Nita Maghfiratul Jannah, S.Pd.
  10. Agus Irfanto, A.Md.
  11. Henry Lutfidwianto Susilotomo, S.Pd.T.




Colombo Street No.1 Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
Phone/Fax: (+62 274) 550840, 550839

Contact persons :

Jannah (+6285227624080)

Nunik Sugesti (+628122785845)